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How to set up and promote your online business? An informative guide

Do you want to start your online business but don’t know how to? We are here to help you understand the nitty-gritty of how to set up your online business and how you can promote it to increase its visibility to your target audience. In this blog, we talk about how to set up your online store and how to promote it to reach your audience. 

Before we get straight to the point, let's first understand how establishing your business online (like a digital store) helps you increase sales and gain credibility among your target customers. A digital marketing and Shopify web development company can make the process swift and more efficient. 

As per research, 70% of small to mid-size businesses are investing in their digital presence. Ever wondered why? Because of the increasing use of the Internet, access to information worldwide, and the convenience of mobile shopping, consumers turn to the Internet for everything. Modern-day customers depend heavily on the internet for research, reviews, and suggestions to make the final buying decision. 

An online business helps you to:

  • Grow your local market presence 

  • Establish your brand globally 

  • Reach your target audience 

  • Tap into a new customer segment 

  • Effective lead generation

  • Boost your sales 

  • Track consumers' buying behavior

  • Conduct through research 

  • Increase your turnover and profits 

  • Communicate your brand values 

  • Strengthen your brand voice 

  • Increase your brand recognition 

Now that you know all the ‘Why’ of establishing your online business, let's discuss all the ‘How’.

How to set up your online/digital business? 

80% of the consumers make a quick search on the internet before making any buying decision. Thus, establishing your online business is crucial. The most efficient way to establish your digital presence is through a website. 

With a website, you can attract, inform, engage, entertain, and retain your customers. It is a one-stop destination for your audience to know about your brand, interact with your brand, and buy from your business. 

One of the easiest and most effective ways to develop a website is through Shopify Store Development

What is Shopify store development? 

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that allows you to develop, manage, and promote your digital store with ease. Shopify store development is the process of developing an online store (a website) to sell your products or list your services and promote them on various platforms. The Shopify store has inbuilt themes to elevate its visual appeal and an inbuilt inventory management system for efficient store management for your e-commerce site. 

You can drive your traffic from various sources to this store. It helps you communicate with your client with consistent information and build brand value. 

How to promote your online/digital business? 

Do you ever expect a sale to work for your offline store without ever promoting it? No, without promoting your offer, it is unlikely to succeed. Likewise, your online business or digital store will fail to achieve the desired results if it is not visible to your target audience. 

Strengthen your online store’s digital presence with the help of your SEO and performance marketing. 

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is how you can organically make your website rank on a search engine page. SEO services include optimizing the website’s structure, content, and UI/UX design to help the search engine understand your website more and show it to your target audience when they look for something related to your industry online. 

It is one of the most crucial ways to boost the visibility of your website organically without spending a penny. Careful designing, UI/UX efficiency, and content with careful keyword placement will immensely improve customer retention and the ranking of your website on the search engine. 

What is performance marketing? 

Performance marketing is primarily about promoting with a paid advertisement on various platforms. It is a performance-driven marketing technique for increasing sales, driving traffic, registrations, or any other measurable factor. 

Performance marketing and creating a paid advertising campaign help you build a structure to reach your audience. It includes running ads on Google, social media platforms, and any other medium to urge your customers to take action. 

Once you have established your online business, you need to promote it online to establish a digital presence. A paid advertisement will help you reach the right target audience and increase your Return On Investment (ROI). It will drive traffic to your website and sell your product or service. 


The world is turning digital, and so are businesses. Taking your business can be intimidating but with a web development and digital marketing agency like Actoscript, you can make your brand a successful digital store. The first step to establishing a digital store is making a website. A Shopify store is your one-stop destination to sell, manage, and grow your online store. Make your online presence known to the search engine and your audience with Search Engine Optimization and Performance marketing. SEO helps you increase your website visibility organically, while performance marketing is a result-driven advertisement campaign for results like sales, driving traffic, and more. The balance of SEO and Performance marketing helps you to establish your brand value with the website. 
